We're proud to support the California Immigrant Resilience Fund

A vendor pushes a paletas cart in front of a colorful mural near Fruitvale, California

On April 15, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom announced a new statewide fund to support immigrant communities who have lost jobs or wages as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic:

Blue Shield of California Foundation applauds the decisive and meaningful actions announced by Governor Newsom, and we’re proud to support the California Immigrant Resilience Fund as a leading seed funder.

This pandemic is impacting all of us, but it’s not doing so equally. Undocumented immigrants are often considered essential workers, meaning they must risk their health and lives to harvest food, sanitize common spaces, and provide domestic services for low wages – all while being left behind by federal aid packages. In a state with more than 2 million undocumented individuals – and more than 5 million more Californians living in mixed-status households – undocumented immigrants are our friends, neighbors, and colleagues. Our values demand that we act.

This initiative demonstrates a steadfast commitment to the idea that together, we can not only get through this crisis, but build a brighter, healthier California – for all of us.

Click below to learn more at the California Immigrant Resilience Fund website: 

immigrant resilience fund website

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