Mission Promise Neighborhood's community report card: A blueprint for change

A group of women, young and old, stand before a brightly colored mural depicting a mariachi band

In the heart of San Francisco's vibrant Mission District, the Mission Economic Development Agency has been taking extraordinary steps to ensure that every child has the opportunity to succeed.

Through their Mission Promise Neighborhood, which supports families with their children’s education, they have spent the last two years — with the support of All In For Kids — embarking on a journey of empowerment by listening to the very heart of their community. Their story is one of collaborative innovation, and that innovative approach has allowed parents, youth, and staff to come together to co-create a powerful tool: the Mission Promise Neighborhood Community Report Card.

The report card isn't just a document; it's a symbol of the organization’s relentless commitment to listen, learn, and grow together.

Setting a new standard for community engagement

Traditionally, the organization has focused on data related to individual behavior and academic scores. However, recognizing the need for broader systemic change, they initiated a community-driven approach in 2021. The journey began with a design team, consisting of parents, youth, and staff, engaging in one-on-one interviews and focus groups to gain insights directly from community members.

The ethos of this initiative was clear from the start: co-create a solution that reflects the community's needs and desires.

Parents and youth became the researchers, designing the questions and collecting stories that would shape the report card's foundation.

What emerged from these interactions were profound insights into the challenges faced by families navigating complex systems, especially in the throes of a pandemic. The report card uncovered a deep-seated issue — the lack of legal status and English-language skills were central barriers preventing families, mostly Latino, from thriving.

Many parents were forced to work multiple jobs, leaving them with precious little time to spend with their children, creating a vicious cycle of hardship.

In the process, the design team discovered that families were also grappling with survey and intake fatigue. The team yearned for feedback about the changing dynamics in their community, but found that data rarely returned to them, leaving them disconnected.

The response to these challenges was innovative and user-centric.

The design team for the Mission Promise Neighborhood Community Report Card, after months of collaboration, came up with an idea for an app.

The app, in its pilot stage, aims to collect data on community barriers and desires, creating a dynamic platform for community members. Here, they can not only share their experiences but also access videos and stories from their peers, all while gaining instant access to the collected data.

Erick Jaramillo, a local resident who played a pivotal role in this initiative, shared his experience during a recent collective impact conference session. He got to share the organization’s progress throughout the country.

As a young man from the Mission District, Erick said he not only learned about the struggles other families faced but also gained a deeper understanding of his own parents' challenges.

"It really helped me open my eyes to see what the problems are in the community, and I was really glad I was able to help with the project,” Erick said as he reflected on his journey.

Liz Cortez, the director of Promise City programs and partnerships, said that as Mission Promise Neighborhood continues to collect data through their app, they envision a future where families have the tools they need to advocate for their needs and drive systemic change.

The data, she said, will be transformed into actionable systems-level indicators that paint a vivid picture of community experiences.

This initiative that is operating under the umbrella of the Mission Economic Development Agency is a testament to the power of community-driven change.

By listening to the voices of parents and youth, the team at Mission Promise Neighborhood has created a platform that can empower individuals but also strengthen the entire community.

As we await the next phase of their work, it's clear that their commitment to families and positive outcomes for children will continue to light the path toward a brighter future for the Mission District — and, ultimately, for all of San Francisco.

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